A call to serve: Seven reasons why you would love being a part of the Barnes-Jewish College Alumni Advisory Council

Feb. 03, 2016 By: Goldfarb School of Nursing

Hear why Jennifer Tice Williams (ASN, '06, BSN ’07, MSN ’14) loves being a member of the Barnes-Jewish College Alumni Advisory Council. By: Jennifer Tice Williams, ASN, '06, BSN ’07, MSN ’14


After being on the Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) for nearly two years, I wanted to share some of the reasons to join this team.

1) Enjoy spending time with Goldfarb School of Nursing decision makers and be on the cutting edge of alumni events planning.

2) Have a voice in choosing award-winning speakers and pioneers in their field to share their knowledge and experiences at alumni events.  

3) All the great food delectables available at the four time a year meetings!  You need to attend at least two of the four meetings to remain on the Council….so volunteering is not very time-consuming, just consider the great time you will have being around your fellow cohorts and board members; plus the food!

4) You get the chance to attend alumni events such as Reunions and Homecoming…..where you might be fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of your former instructors busting-a-move on the dance floor or striking a pose at the photo booth. I would name names, but you will simply have to see for yourself.

5) Continued networking with Goldfarb staff and students. Remember, some of these people are destined leaders in nursing and you will want to be able to say…..these are my contemporaries.

6) In the spirit of volunteerism…..contributing your time on the Council is a great way to give back to the school that helped shape your future.

7) Lastly, participating on this team will be a crowning touch to your resume.

There is an opening to represent all of the schools that are now a part of Barnes-Jewish College Alumni Association……Jewish School of Nursing, Barnes School of Nurinsg, Barnes-Jewish School of Nursing and Goldfarb School of Nursing (that now has two campus site locations).

So, consider becoming an Alumni Advisory Council representative today!!! Fill out the nomination form, found on the College’s Alumni webpage, be sure to submit it now, and you will be on your way to serving…. and isn’t that why we all got into nursing to begin with?

If you have any questions about the nomination processes, or if you would like to talk with a current council member, contact Dr. June Cowell-Oates, Director of Alumni Affairs, at JCowell-Oates@bjc.org or 314.454.8694.