Our Bachelor's Degree Options
To help you achieve your nursing degree, we offer three different Bachelor's degree options.

BSN Degree Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the BSN program, the graduate will be able to:
Integrate, translate, and apply nursing and foundational knowledge from other disciplines, including liberal arts and natural and social sciences into professional nursing practice.
Deliver holistic, person-centered care that is individualized, just, respectful, compassionate, coordinated, evidence-based, and developmentally appropriate across diverse social, economic, and cultural backgrounds.
Collaborate with traditional and non-traditional community partners from public health, industry, academia, health care, government entities, and others to engage in health promotion and disease prevention to support equitable health outcomes among diverse and underserved populations.
Translate, synthesize, and apply nursing knowledge to use best evidence to improve health.
Employ established and emerging principles of quality, safety and improvement science as core values of nursing practice, to minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.
Collaborate across professions with team members, patients, families, communities, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare experience, and promote equitable outcomes.
Work within complex systems of health care to proactively coordinate resources to provide safe, quality, and equitable care to diverse populations.
Use Informatics and health care technologies to support professional nursing decision making and manage and improve the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with best practice and professional and regulatory standards.
Cultivate a sustainable professional identity centered through the nursing lens, inclusive of accountability, a social justice perspective, collaborative disposition, and behavior that reflects nursing’s characteristics and values.
Model a commitment to life-long learning through self-reflection, personal growth, and resilience, to maintain wellbeing and continued development of leadership and nursing expertise.
Graduation from the prelicensure program does not guarantee NCLEX success.