Title Description Action
Use this form to endorse a nursing student for the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
Any student with a disability may request accommodations from the College. In order to establish disability status and eligibility for specific accommodations, academic adjustments and or auxiliary aides/services, the College requires current and comprehensive documentation of the student’s…
This form is used to determine private loan eligibility after all other applicable financial aid has been accounted for. This form should have been provided by your private education lender. However if you need it, we provide the form as well. If you need help with completing the form with accurate…

Goldfarb School of Nursing – is happy to offer online transcript ordering and fulfillment in partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse!

For information on how to save, print, and/or share your badge
Any student with a disability may request accommodations from the College. In order to establish disability status and eligibility for specific accommodations, academic adjustments and or auxiliary aides/services, the College requires current and comprehensive documentation of the student’s…

This information explains requirements for receiving federal financial aid and how the amount of aid is determined.

The College is dedicated to creating and maintaining an environment of civility. The following statement reflects our beliefs.

The College considers its students to be adults who will comply with its Alcohol and Other Drug policy and federal, state, and local law regulating alcohol and drug use. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to the full range of correction action, up to and including dismissal

Download the Spring 2021 trimester master textbook document.
Any student with a disability may request accommodations from the College. In order to establish disability status and eligibility for specific accommodations, academic adjustments and or auxiliary aides/services, the College requires current and comprehensive documentation of the student’s…
Entrance counseling ensures you understand the terms and conditions of your loan and your rights and responsibilities. You'll learn what a loan is, how interest works, your options for repayment, and how to avoid delinquency and default.

Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing recognizes that social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others have become important communication tools for our community. The following policy serves as a guideline for those seeking to establish a social media outlet involving…

Summary of civil and criminal penalties for violation of fedral copyright law

Download where to purchase or rent the Summer 2021 master textbook lists.
Any student with a disability may request accommodations from the College. In order to establish disability status and eligibility for specific accommodations, academic adjustments and or auxiliary aides/services, the College requires current and comprehensive documentation of the student’s…
You must complete exit counseling when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment.
Whenever possible this report used information provided by the state agency and originally through the no longer live SHEEO Survey. In some cases, email correspondence and web site reviews were also incorporated.

Proof is legal documentation from a hospital, clinic, physician, etc. Records from your high school or your own handwritten notes are not considered acceptable.

Download where to purchase or rent the Spring 2021 master textbook lists.