Textbook Information

Please see below for all the required and recommended textbooks for any course(s) you may be enrolled in. If printing, please select landscape mode to optimize page space.

Title Author Edition ISBN Links

Clinical Anesthesia (GSON library has under Ebsco Ebooks)

Barash, Cullen, Stoelting 8th 9781496337009 Chegg Icon Amazon Icon

Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology (GSON library has under Access Anesthesiology- in Canvas under ebooks)

Butterworth, Mackey, and Wasnick 6th 9781259834424 Chegg Icon Amazon Icon

Basics of Anesthesia

Miller and Pardo 7th 9780323401159 Chegg Icon Amazon Icon

Nurse Anesthesia - 7th Edition

Nagelhaut and Plaus 7th 9780323711944 Chegg Icon Amazon Icon